Saturday, March 1, 2008

My 1st dog show

My 1st dog show was the IABCA Evergreen Winter Sieger at the Enumclaw fairgrounds on 2/16-17/08. It was 2 fun filled long days of strutting in the ring and hanging with my Shiloh friends. There were 2 show's each day for a total of 4. Look at all the fancy medals I earned for being such a cutie pie. Well that knock out smile I've been working on helped too I'm sure.
Here Laura shows me in a Bred By event. Bred by means the person that bred the dog also show's it. I made it to Best in Show Bred By for both shows on Day 1.

Here I trot around the ring on Day 2. It's important to go at a speed that helps the judges see smooth movement.

Sondra took this pic of my trot in action. Overall the judges really liked my movement. After each show you receive a written judges report on what they saw in your dog. I received comments such as good coming, going & side, very good reach & drive, level strong topline and very good for age. One of the judges told Laura Danzig's movement gave her goosebumps.

After a long day I relax and play with with the present I got from Sondra and Shavora.

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